D.Poška Hollowed Trunks (Baubliai) (read)
Sound background: Telšiai folk ensemble "Insula", leader Milda Ričkutė
Not far from Kryžkalnis, prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /2 km away from motorway Klaipėda-Vilnius there is Bijotai settlement. This village is closely related to one of the most famous Lithuanian writers of the beginning of the 18th century Dionizas Poška. Not far from Bojotai village, in Vyšniakalnis, there was an oakwood. One of the thickest oaks called Baublys was said to be 1000 years old, Dionizas Poška cut down that oak and brought it to his estate. He cut out windows in the trunk, put a straw roof on the top and made two houses of the trunk of the oak. In 1812, he established a museum of old things in these houses. This was the first history museum in Lithuania. The museum of D.Poška contained a large collection of numismatics and guns, a lot archeological findings, old books and even mammoth bones found in the area. In a small room of Baublys, Dionizas Poška wrote his poems, corrected his manuscripts, gathered material for the Polish – Latin – Lithuanian Dictionary. Nowdays Baubliai is one of the most frequently visited places in Lithuania.