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Raseiniai Land History Museum (read)

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Raseiniai region historical museum was established in 1975 in an old building ( historical monument), formerly Raseiniai Detention house in 1930-1952. Regional history from ancient times, ethnography, folk and professional art is chronologically displayed in the 12 exposition halls. Also educational occupations, meetings, different seminars, conferences take place in the museum.

Missionary’s Alexander Ferdinand Bendoraitis heritage exposition

A lot of have heard about priest missionary Alexander Bendoraitis (1919-1998). But hardly any know that over 400 original exhibits: missionary’s photos, personal things, documents, letters, awards are kept in Raseiniai regional historical museum. The most valuable exhibits are displayed in the special hall. These are his Brazilian and Bolivian passports, international driving license, certificate of the frock, photos from different periods of Father’s Alexander life. You can rarely find photos of the Amazon’s watershed in South America displayed in Lithuanian museum. A.F. Bendoraitis recorded unforgettable documentary pictures from XX age 7 th decade which induct us with missionary’s works and location. Next to this are displayed American Indians ornaments, hunting tools, colorful handcrafted texture, showing jungle’s colors, local inhabitants art works.

The River Fleet granted Order of the Knights “ For merit and help to Fleet Force” to Lithuanian A. F. Bendoraitis. Guayaramerino (Bolivia) burgomaster and city council awarded the doctor with gold medal “For steady care of residents health”, Bolivian radio club awarded “For exclusive social and humanitarian service” and etc. Awards and residents acknowledgments to Alexander Bendoraitis show that he was an exclusive person. You can know more about his life and practice as our region doctor and priest missionary.

A lot of exhibits, show traditional Lithuanian peasant culture in XIX-XX age. These are: main and supporting trades, living and economic dwellings, house wares, transport, handicrafts, peasants’ clothes, interior. This is the richest folk clothes, pottery, drapery, forgers’ works and tools exposition.

Exposition “History of Raseiniai region in XIX-XX ages” reflects the fight of people against czarist Russia policy. It also honors well-known people who took care about Lithuanian books, shows the oldest town photos. There is displayed material about Lithuanian poet Maironis who was born in Pasandravys (Raseiniai district), his works.

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